Philip C. Sedgwick ~ Screenwriter

Elevator Pitch














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Elevator Pitch

Words are cheap ~ Souls are priceless...

A moral, but romantically conflicted young man is confronted by a deity whose offer for conflict resolution is more tempting than temptation itself.

Elevator Pitch ~ The Movie ~ Official Website

This Will Be an Elevator

This will be an elevator!

Magic Box

The Magic Box Controlling the Elevator


Sam Whitten (Amos) and Justin Bram (Director) Reflect on the Film

A Very Cool Prop

Tom Wright (Orcus) Joins the Conversation

Amos and Orcus at the Ready

Justin Bram and Tom Wright Discuss

The Cast Chills

Our Amazing DP, Steven Priovolos, Adds His Vision

Amos in Good Light

Orcus Gives Amos the Low Down

Tom and Sam Rehearse

Sam and Emily (Rebecca) Rehearse

CU on Amos



Scripty at Work!

Make Up for Rebecca

Orcus Reaction Shot

Guess What I'm Thinking?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Promise me, Amos!

Amira (the camera) Supervises a Discussion

As the Monitor Reveals

Sam Bones Up

The Point Is

For the Poster (Sam Whitten, Emily B. Goss, Tom Wright)

A Moment's Respite


This Really Is the Same Actress!

Speed. Camera Ready.

Things Look Up

Dial It In

Different Worlds

Set Ups

Prep for the End Shot

It's Not All In One Place

What Does He See? (You'll have to watch the movie!)

Team Mirage at Zabul Province Re-united
(L - R, Philip Sedgwick - writer, Ann Doria - scripty,
Amanda Mercurio - production design, Sam Whitten - actor)

Emily Goss, Philip Sedgwick, Sam Whitten

The Elevator Pitch Gang
(not pictured: Tom Wright - previously wrapped; yours truly - taking the pic)